Thursday, November 10, 2011



 The image above relates to my area of interests and planned major because it is a picture taken in San Francisco and the picture contains multiple size and depth perception cues. For starters, overlap can be seen by looking at how some of the polls are on overlapping the polls behind them. They also overlap the background giving them the visual perception that they are in front of those objects. Another element of depth perception that can be seen is texture gradient. The dirt and rocks on the ground get smaller towards the background and lose all detail and thus, look almost like a plain color. Linear perspective is also in this picture and can be seen by looking at the roof. The parallel lines on the roof converge as they get further away. Lastly, the image has dimension. This visual perspective can be seen by the shape of all the objects in the image, giving it a tunnel feel and if the image was to continue in the background everything would come together to a vanishing point.

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