Thursday, October 20, 2011

Visual Thinking Research

 The first puzzle my roommate and I completed can be found here:

My attempt:
 Roommate's attempt:

When solving these puzzles my roommate completed his almost right away while it took me a couple minutes to solve and I didn't even end up being correct. My method at solving this puzzle was to use pattern seeking. I tried to find some pattern between the squares and what I came up with was that the first and third box had one line and the second and fourth had two lines so I figured that the question mark box ha to be C considering the fact that it was the only answer box with one line. This didn't seem like a very likely pattern, but I couldn't figure out anything else that seemed to work. My roommate on the other hand got his answer right away because he looked at the overall picture first. He noticed that the lines in each square actually made up a number and each box was the next number; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In this way he was using from another viewpoint because numbers are not normally seen in this way. He also used pattern completion because he saw the number pattern and was able to complete it successfully.

 The second puzzle my roommate and I completed can be found here:

 My attempt:

Roommate's attempt:

With this puzzle both and me and my roommate finished around the same time and both of us got the correct answer. In my completion of the puzzle I used matching and rotation. I rotated the paper so I could look at all three circles from the same angle and noticed that one of the triangles was facing the wrong direction and therefore did not match. My roommate also used matching but his method was different. He started at the same shape on each figure and then moved his finger one by one to the next shape on all figures and realized that after doing this a few times one of the triangles was backwards.

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