Thursday, October 6, 2011

Visual Perception 1 / Top-Down Visual Processing


My area of study is Visual Communication Design and it relates to this design because Visual Communication Design uses various play on words, whether it be in an advertisement or artistic creation, to give off certain meanings. The image above is an example of top-down visual processing because it is related to goal-biased attentional looking. At a first glance of the image one would first see a vast amount of random letters getting the overview of the design. However, after that first glance longer fixations occur and the image directs ones eye movements to the letters in red. A person's eye movements begin at the word "everything" and then go down to the word "is" and this patterns continues until the person reads the last word in red, "perception". The words are then linked together in a person's mind to say "everything is a matter of perception". Thus, the purpose or goal of this design is to direct one's eye movements from one red word to the next to get the overall message of the design.

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