Thursday, September 29, 2011

Design Success and Failure in Relation to Syntactical Guidelines


This blog is an example of design success because the Syntactical Guidelines that have been put to use help the targeted user understand the site. For example, balance can be seen here in its vertical and horizontal construction. The site flows very well and is easy to comprehend because of this. Balance as functionality can also be seen because each box on the page has a direct purpose; to separate the various information on the page, and at the same time all the boxes contribute to the overall balance of the website design.

Furthermore, stress can also be seen here in the artist section of the blog. Some of the names are bigger than others because the website owner wants certain names to stand out more than others. Leveling can be seen here a well because the site overall has balance and harmony. Everything flows with each other, and there aren't certain sections that are causing more tension.

Finally, grouping is also implemented in this blog and can be observed by just looking at the different sections on the page, such as artists, interviews, buy music, etc, and seeing how all related items are grouped together.

This website is an example of failure in relation to Syntactical Guidelines because it leaves the user confused and unsure of what to click on. There is no clear guide to the website and everything is just kinda all over the place. In terms of Syntactical Guidelines, stress is being used but in a poor way. The designer gave stress to to many different things on the page giving it no sort of balance but in fact the opposite. Grouping is also attempted but is not successful in helping the user navigate the page. For example, helicopters are next to each on some parts of the page, but then they are also on other parts of the page. The designer should of put all the helicopters together, not just some of them. This website is a mess and even though there was an attempt to follow some of the Syntactical Guidelines, the designer was not able to do this in a successful manner in terms of the user understanding the website.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Visual vs Symbolic Language


One-word or short-phrased responses in terms of its literal, representational content, underlying compositional structure and symbols:

Crowded. Depression. Long line just to get something for free. Sorrow. What people are wearing. Dressed nicely. Free soup. Waiting. Bad times. Inflation. Hard times. Reality of the depression and unemployment. Free coffee & donuts for unemployed. No jobs. A lot of people in the same situation. People don't care time in line with be long because they have no other choice. Black and white. Unfortunate.

This photograph represents a lot of people in line during the Great Depression. They are all in line to get free donuts, coffee, and soup. All the people in line do not look happy, but they give off this look that there is nothing they can do about it. They are all dressed nicely meaning they were probably looking for work that day and had no luck, so they have to go somewhere where they get food and drinks for free. Everything looks bland and there is no real sign of happiness. The way they are standing symbolizes no hope for work and there is there only option for food. If someone was visually impaired, I would describe it as a lot of people in a huge line waiting to get into this coffee shop to get free coffee, soup, and donuts. The people are dress nicely and still don't have work and all have a sense of sorrow on their faces.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meaning 2: Interactions Between the 3 Levels

When observing this image one can quite clearly see that the representational part of the image is the sphinx itself. It is clearly representational of a sphinx because of the strong visual details. The impact that it gives to the viewer is that is indeed the mythical creature, a sphinx. This level of representation relates to abstraction because it is made out of stone that is decaying and has pieces that are broken off. However, even though pieces are missing the nature of abstraction makes it possible for the observer to understand the monument and its meaning. It gives off a direct message of power because of its size. It is also abstract because sphinxes were often used for royal tombs and religious temples and one would not know this just from looking at it. This relates to the symbolic level because people understand this mythical creature from myths of Egyptian & Greek tradition. The sphinx combines different forms in one; haunches of a lion, and head of man. These combined human and animal parts are symbols, the lion symbolizes the sun and power. The head is a great pharaoh and the lions body makes his image look extremely powerful.  They also understand that is symbol of characteristics such as wealth, intelligence. It is a wonder of the world and that alone makes it a symbol of great awe. In conclusion, it is representational because it is clearly a sphinx, abstract because it is place for royal burial and religious worship on the inside, and symbolic because of the combination of human and body parts and the fact that is symbolizes power.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meaning - Representation, Abstract, Symbol

This image is representation because its perception links to our memory of what we consider a dog. This dog is part of a broader category but can also fit into a smaller category for there are many different types of dogs. Depending on a person's knowledge and experience the dog will have varying levels of categorization. This image is also considered representation because it carries so much information and is so realistic. Because this image is a photography is the most dependable means of representing visual reality. When seen by a viewer they automatically will think dog because that is what their visual perception is trained to do. It is so realistic that the viewer doesn't even wonder if it is a dog, it just is.

This image represents abstraction for the process of distillation takes place, where what stands out is the cross and the buildings are basically forgotten. This process emphasizes and gives far more significance to the lighted area, which represents the cross. The visual information from this picture is more representational therefore its reference is more specific. Abstraction from this photo derives from a cross, thus representing more of a religious abstraction. Human perception of this image automatically removes surface detail because of the human need to have a visual balance. When one sees this abstract picture they automatically think cross and not building tops in the sky.

This image is an example of Symbolism because it is expressing and communicating through coded forms. People know that this sign denotes danger. The skull and cross bones symbolize danger and caution. Even if a person had never seen this sign before a sense of danger would still come over to them because of intimidating look. This image is also symbolism because of the reduction of visual detail to a minimum. People around the world understand the coded message behind this symbol because of its representation.